Sustainable Development Goal
10 Reduced Inequalities
Reduce inequality within and among countries.

No. | Indicator | Result |
10.2 | ||
10.2.1 | ||
10.3 | ||
10.3.1 | ||
10.4 | ||
10.4.1 | ||
10.5 | ||
10.5.1 | ||
10.6 | Measures against discrimination | |
10.6.1 | Non-discriminatory admissions policy | |
Does your university as a body have an admissions policy which is non-discriminatory or which details and explains the logic for any appropriate positive discrimination policies in admissions, which is publicly posted? | -ระบบรับสมัครเรียน มหาวิทยาลัยสวนดุสิต -ระบบการคัดเลือกกลางบุคคลเข้าศึกษาในสถาบันอุดมศึกษา | |
10.6.2 | Access to university track underrepresented groups applications | |
Does your university as a body measure/track applications & admissions of underrepresented (and potentially underrepresented) groups including ethnic minorities, low income students, non-traditional students, women, LGBT students, disabled students, and newly settled refugee students? | -ระบบรับสมัครเรียน มหาวิทยาลัยสวนดุสิต -ระบบการคัดเลือกกลางบุคคลเข้าศึกษาในสถาบันอุดมศึกษา | |
10.6.3 | Access to university underrepresented groups recruit | |
Does your university as a body take planned actions to recruit students/staff/faculty from under-represented groups? | -ระบบรับสมัครเรียน มหาวิทยาลัยสวนดุสิต -ระบบการคัดเลือกกลางบุคคลเข้าศึกษาในสถาบันอุดมศึกษา | |
10.6.4 | Anti-discrimination policies. | |
Does your university as a body have anti-discrimination and anti-harassment policies? | ||
10.6.5 | University diversity officer | |
Does your university as a body have a diversity and equality committee, office and/or officer (or the equivalent) tasked by the administration or governing body to advise on and implement policies, programmes, and trainings related to diversity, equity, inclusion and human rights on campus? | ||
10.6.6 | Support for underrepresented groups | |
Does your university as a body provide mentoring/counselling/peer support programmes to support students, staff, faculty from underrepresented groups? | ||
10.6.7 | Accessible facilities | |
Does your university as a body provide accessible facilities for people with disabilities? | ||
10.6.8 | Disability support services | |
Does your university as a body provide support services for people with disabilities? (e.g. personal assistants, interpreters) | ||
10.6.9 | Disability access scheme | |
Does your university as a body provide access schemes for people with disabilities? | ||
10.6.10 | Disability accomodation policy | |
Does your university as a body have reasonable accommodation policy/strategy implemented, including adequately funded mechanism for persons with disability? | -หอพักนักศึกษา ศูนย์วิทยาศาสตร์ -หอพักนักศึกษา วิทยาเขตสุพรรณบุรี |